About Adrian Howard.

A somewhat pretentious picture of Adrian giving a talk at Lead Developer London 2018. Look at him. Grinning like a loon. For shame. There's a big slide projected behind him reading 'This is a LIE'

Hi! How are you? I hope you’re having a good day!

I enjoy helping people solve problems in the messy spaces where strategy, research, and delivery overlap!

If you want to know why this site exists go read Can you do a shitty first draft?

I started off as a developer in the 1980s, wandered into doing product & UX work too, got into agile in the early 2000s — and have been playing in all the fun cross-disciplinary spaces ever since.

I’m currently focused on coaching glue people, senior practitioners, and leaders one-on-one — unblocking problems and growing capabilities so they can continue to build effective organisations and great products.

If you want to work with me check out quietstars.com.

If you want to chat you can email adrianh@quietstars.com — or say hello on Mastodon or LinkedIn if that’s easier.
